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Adding an allowlist to your app ​

With Privy, you can enable an allowlist for your application to gate access to specific email addresses, phone numbers, and/or Ethereum addresses. You can use the allowlist feature to coordinate a beta launch of your product for early-access users, manage an ongoing waitlist, and more!

When you enable an allowlist for your app:

  • All existing users will still be permitted to login to your app
  • New users must be added to the allowlist by their email address, phone number, or Ethereum address to be permitted to login
  • New users who have not been added to your allowlist will not be permitted to login.

Enabling the allowlist for your app ​

You can enable an allowlist directly from the Privy developer dashboard. To do so, just navigate to the Users page > Allowlist tab of the dashboard and toggle allowlists on.

Managing allowlists in the developer dashboard
Managing allowlists in the developer dashboard.

Managing the allowlist ​

There are two main ways to manage the allowlist for your app:

All of these actions can easily be performed using the Privy dashboard.


It's easy to use the Privy API to manage your waitlist with a third party-tool. For instance, if you are using Airtable to manage your waitlist, you can easily integrate it with Privy.

Check out this guide for more!

Customizing the allowlist error screen ​

When users who are not on the allowlist attempt to login to your app, Privy will show them a screen stating that they have not been invited to the app. You can customize the text on this screen to show the user a more specific message and navigate them to a link where they can provide more information to register for your app.