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Getting all wallets

Privy enables you to list all wallets in your app.

Using the SDK

To fetch your wallets, use the Privy client's walletApi.getWallets method. This is a paginated query.

As parameters to the method, you may pass an object with the following optional fields:

cursorstring(Optional) ID of the wallet from which start the search
limitnumber(Optional) Max amount of wallets to fetch per page
chainType'ethereum' | 'solana'(Optional) Chain type to filter by.

Once invoked, walletApi.getWallets will request Privy's API to fetch the wallets. The method returns a Promise for an object containing the following:

dataArray<WalletApiWalletResponseType>List of wallets in the current page
nextCursorstring(Optional) ID of the wallet from which start the next page

Where WalletApiWalletResponseType is an object that contains the following properties:

idstringUnique ID of the wallet
chainType'ethereum' | 'solana'Chain type of the wallet
addressstringAddress of the wallet
createdAtDateThe creation date of the wallet

Below is an example of fetching all Ethereum wallets for your app:

const wallets = [];
let nextCursor;

do {
  const result = await privy.walletApi.getWallets({chainType: 'ethereum', cursor: nextCursor});
  nextCursor = result.nextCursor;
} while (nextCursor);

Using the REST API

To fetch your wallets by pages, make a GET request to:



In the request query parameters, include any of the following:

cursorstring(Optional) ID of the wallet from which start the search
limitnumber(Optional) Max amount of wallets per page
chain_type'ethereum' | 'solana'(Optional) Chain type to filter by.


In the response, Privy will send back the following if successful:

dataArray<WalletApiWalletResponseType>List of wallets in the current page
next_cursorstring(Optional) ID of the wallet from which start the next page

Where WalletApiWalletResponseType is an object that contains the following properties:

idstringUnique ID of the wallet
chain_type'ethereum' | 'solana'Chain type of the wallet
addressstringAddress of the wallet
created_atnumberThe creation date of the wallet, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.


As an example, a sample request to fetch EVM wallets might look like the following:

$ curl --request GET \
-u "<your-privy-app-id>:<your-privy-app-secret>" \
-H "privy-app-id: <your-privy-app-id>" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

A successful response will look like the following:

  "data": [
      "id": "yepf6384cu2nkup42gvrwdqh",
      "address": "0x2F3eb40872143b77D54a6f6e7Cc120464C764c09",
      "chain_type": "ethereum",
      "authorization_threshold": 2,
      "created_at": 1733923425155
  "next_cursor": "u67nttpkeeti2hm9w7aoxdcc"