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User management

Privy allows your application to easily manage users from the server and the Privy dashboard. Privy manages all the complexities of authentication and wallets, streamlining how your application manages users and their assets


Privy supports myriad API endpoints to manage your application from your server. Your application can take actions like search, create, and delete users in a single line API call.

Server SDK

If your application uses a Javascript backend, Privy includes an SDK to easily hit these API endpoints within your backend.


Privy comes with built in webhooks that will alert your servers whenever a user takes a specified action. Simply configure the events to be notified on, ie when a user is created or logged in, and a destination URL. Privy will send updates every time a user takes that action on your application.


The Privy Dashboard is the hub to manage your apps, retrieve your API keys, and manage the administrators for your account. From the dashboard, administrators can create new apps, easily configure Privy features, and view key metrics and data about users.

User snapshot in the Privy Dashboard
User analytics in the Privy Dashboard

Viewing all users in the Privy Dashboard
Viewing all users in the Privy Dashboard